MSCD 675 - Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Concepts: Syllabus

Instructor Information

Refer to Discussion Forum, Facilitator Introduction and Expectations

Course Title

MSCD 675 - Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Concepts

Course Description

Introduces SOA , middleware, with enterprise architecture, interoperability and loose coupling. Explores technical and organizational perspectives and alignment using design principles and industry-standard organizational models. Include hands-on implementation of distributed Web Services-based interfaces to database system.

Prerequisite Courses

MSCD 670 Middleware Concepts

Course Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, learners should be able to:

Course Materials

Required Texts

Erl, Thomas. (2009). Service-Oriented Architecture Concepts, Technology, and Design: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0-13-185858-0

Required Readings

BEA Systems (2005). White paper: Domain Model For SOA: Realizing the business benefit of service-oriented architecture. (search keywords: Domain Model for SOA)

Erl, T (n.d.). What is SOA? An Introduction to Service-Oriented Computing.

Fronckowiak, J. (2008). White paper: SOA Best Practices and Design Patterns: Keys to Successful Serviceā€Oriented Architecture Implementation. (search keywords: SOA Best Practices and Design Patterns)

Oracle (September, 2009). White paper: Maximizing SOA Returns with Enterprise Architecture. (search keywords: Maximizing SOA Returns with Enterprise Architecture)

Technology Tools

The web-based Citrix technical environment for lab work can be found at this URL:

The login ID and password for the Citrix environment are your Regis Net credentials (e.g. Regis InSITE credentials). Your instructor will provide you with user documentation within your Worldclass online course that will describe how to use the Citrix Lab Environment. Your instructor will also provide you with a database user ID/password or other database login instructions.

technical specifications

Optional Resources

Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL),

American Psychological Association (current edition). APA Style,


Online Format: See Learning Topic 1.

Classroom-based Format: Before the first night of class: Research and list at least three SOA related websites. Provide a synopsis of each site. This is to assist the class in getting started and to show that the students are involved and thinking about the subject. If the students did not complete this assignment go through the opening remarks for the class and the Intro to SOA presentation and then break and have the students conduct research on SOA using the wireless connections in class or in the lab. (45 minute). Then have them present what they found to the class.

Pre-Assignment Due Dates

Classroom-based Format: This assignment is due the first night of class.

Online Format: The instructor will specify the due date for this assignment.

Course Assignments and Activities

Assignments for Online Course
Week Readings Graded Assignments or Assessments (Percentage)
1: Introduction to SOA Chapters 3,4,5

Forum Discussion

Start the Annotated Bibliography Review the SOA Course Project requirements.

2: Business Strategy and Process Chapters 8,10,11

Forum Discussion

Peer reviewed literature (1)

Start the SOA Course Project

Continue working on the Annotated Bibliography

3: SOA Architecture Chapters 9,13,14 18

Forum Discussion

Peer reviewed literature (2)

Continue working on the SOA Course Project

Begin Lab 1

Continue working on the Annotated Bibliography

4: Building Blocks Chapters 12

Forum Discussion

Peer reviewed literature(3)

Continue working on the SOA Course Project

Continue working on the Annotated Bibliography

Lab 1 is due, begin Lab 2

5: Organization and Governance Chapter 6

Forum Discussion

Peer reviewed literature(4)

Continue working on the SOA Course Project

Continue working on the Annotated Bibliography

Lab 2 is due

6: Costs and Benefits Chapter 15

Forum Discussion

Peer reviewed literature(5)

Continue working on the SOA Course Project

Continue working on the Annotated Bibliography

7: Projects and Applications Chapter 7

Forum Discussion

Peer reviewed literature(6)

Annotated Bibliography is due

Continue working on the SOA Course Project

8: Reflecting on the SOA Analysis and Design Process None SOA Course Project is due

Student Evaluation Grid

Assignments Weighted Percentage
Participation in Forum Discussion 20%
Labs 1 and 2 10%
Annotated Bibliography 20%
Article and Peer Reviews (6 total) 20%
Course Project 30%
TOTAL 100 %

CCIS Policies

Review the CCIS Policies on the Regis University website.


NOTE TO LEARNERS: On occasion, the course facilitator may, at his or her discretion, alter the Learning Activities shown in this Syllabus. The alteration of Learning Activities may not, in any way, change the Learner Outcomes or the grading scale for this course as contained in this syllabus. Examples of circumstances that could justify alterations in Learning Activities could include number of learners in the course; compelling current events; special facilitator experience or expertise; or unanticipated disruptions to class session schedule.